Healing Others

Quest Deck

Sometimes I feel my role is to heal everyone that is feeling pain. I know my words and touch provide nurturing, encouragement, and healing. It seems like my role in life is to be the counselor for people in struggle. In my dreams, I travel the world and share my gift of healing with everyone I meet.

Nurturing the Spirit

Quest Deck

My joy comes when I awaken the spirit in others. Connecting people to their spirit is the key to many answers. I know the spirit within is the driving force that we are all searching for. Nurturing the spirit through meditation, quiet walks, and journaling is necessary to keep the spirit connected.

Being Altruistic

Quest Deck

I value giving more than receiving. My fantasy is to give everyone everything they need. I find myself working endless hours doing things for others. I seldom think of my own needs and I must remember that I exist here on the planet also.

Being Mystical

Quest Deck

I have a knowing that a higher order of life exists. It feels like I have a circle of counselors that surround me in another dimension. Oftentimes, I know the answer to questions and I can’t explain where the answer came from. People tell me that I daydream frequently. This may be true but I feel I’m living in two different worlds.

Seeing Beyond the Present

Quest Deck

My life is about looking and working outside the box. My gift is two-fold; I definitely see the obvious present moment and I also see that present moment from many different perspectives. When I observe life from the past, present, and future, I find the keys to resolving present moment issues.

Being a Peacemaker

Quest Deck

Peace and harmony are important to me. Struggle and confrontation puzzles me because I know there is a better way. It feels like my purpose is that of creating peace, harmony and joy where ever I am. I instinctively see the peaceful spot in any disagreement or disharmony. My goal is to inspire others to find that spot and embrace it.

Inspiring Others

Quest Deck

Working with passion is what I do. When I believe in something I become inspired. When I see the benefits for others, I can’t wait to inspire them. Seeing the possibilities is my gift of vision. Sharing the possibilities is my gift of inspiration.

Being Selfless

Quest Deck

I find myself giving to others first. I feel best when everyone around me is honored with what I am able to share. I like material things, however, I find it more important to give these things away so others may feel the joy of being loved.


Quest Deck

Taking control and managing others is a natural skill for me. I have the ability to see the big picture of a project. I develop teams of qualified people to achieve the desired goal. Weaving people, information and the proper environment together, are the keys of my success.

Seeking Excellence

Quest Deck

My goal is to be the best. My first thought is to always achieve excellence. My desire is to take control and achieve excellence. I enjoy the challenge of overcoming obstacles to achieve an elusive goal. Winning the gold medal is in my thoughts with everything I do.

Solving Problems

Quest Deck

It seems like people are drawn to me whenever they have a problem. Solving problems for me and others is something I’ve always been able to do. When I take control and use my logic with my intuition, I always find resolution for the issues. As the problem unfolds, I am able to tap into a wealth of information that allows me to assist myself and others.

Having Integrity

Quest Deck

My word is my bond. I enjoy winning and it must be done with integrity. What I admire most are people who have gained recognition through win-win outcomes. I value a handshake as much as I value a contract in any commitment I am working with. I believe integrity is the glue that can hold a business or a project together for success.

Being Successful

Quest Deck

My destiny is at the helm of the ship; I am able to navigate any business opportunity or project to a successful outcome. My excellent sense of commerce, allows me to see business opportunities where others may see frustration. I understand the principles of business and I am able to assist myself and others in achieving goals.

Getting to the Heart of Matters

Quest Deck

When I’m given a project, the first thing I do is begin my analysis of the information. Then I start to research the hidden meanings behind the analysis. I believe it’s important to dig deep into any subject in order to understand the essence of the agenda. Revealing the essence and getting to the heart of the matter is what I value most.

Investigating Things

Quest Deck

I live for the opportunity to look behind the façade. I enjoy studying what is not said and what is not shared to find the missing pieces. Looking at all the seen and unseen perspectives gives me a complete picture of what’s really going on. I believe there is always a hidden meaning that must be researched.

Learning New Things

Quest Deck

My desire is to research the old and the new. My quest is to constantly question the obvious and delve deeper into the unknown. I’ve been called a bookworm because of my voracious quest for knowledge; Research awakens my own intuition and allows me to see new perspectives that were not obvious before.

Teaching Others

Quest Deck

I love teaching people what I know. I’ve been told I am a natural teacher. Helping people by giving them my opinion seems like the proper thing to do. Sometimes I’m surprised that people may feel offended that I would suggest the obvious solution. My joy comes from planting seeds of knowledge, and nurturing them to bloom into possibilities.

Counseling Others

Quest Deck

I feel like I was given the gift of being a counselor. Everyone seems to come to me with their problems. I enjoy listening, giving feedback with insights and showing them the light at the end of the tunnel. It feels natural for me to help others resolve their problems. I have a deep concern for their issues and approach these issues with empathy and compassion.

Being of Service

Quest Deck

I need to feel needed. I work best when I am helping others. It seems natural for me to assist those who need my help and even those who don’t need my help. For me, the reward comes when someone smiles and says “thank you, I really appreciate what you did.”

Showing Concern and Empathy

Quest Deck

I have a serious concern about the situation our world is in. I see people unattached to their surroundings. I see conflict; I see impositions happening to people and nature. My heart feels sad. I believe there is a divine plan unfolding. My prayer is that we can all learn to live in peace and harmony and love one another.

Bringing Out Potential

Quest Deck

I feel compelled to nurture those around me. When making connections with others, I can soon sense their potential. I become excited if I’m in a place where I can help people to expand and become all that they can be. Looking for the “diamond in the rough” is what I enjoy.

Being Adventurous

Quest Deck

Whitewater rafting, diving out of an airplane or learning how to fly is the way I like to spend my time. Adventure fuels my soul. Sometimes, this can get me into sticky situations. Being the rebel has its gifts and its challenges, but I can live life no other way.

Facilitating Change

Quest Deck

I look forward to change. It seems like most people are afraid of change. I, however, like to instigate change to see the outcome. Change is healthy. I would much rather create the change than have someone create it for me. Change keeps me on my toes and makes each day worth living.

Challenging Myself and Others

Quest Deck

I find myself breaking out of the norm. If someone says it can’t be done, I’m usually the first one to ask why or try to see if it can be done. The challenge is much more interesting to me than the acceptable behavior. If it wasn’t for me, I believe we would still be doing the same old things we did hundreds of years ago.

Advancing Ideas

Quest Deck

Expanding old patterns and ideas are one of the things I look forward to. To take an idea and look at the possibilities creates many new options. Taking old forms and applying change to create a new paradigm is what I excel in doing. Once the advancement has begun, an idea begins to blossom to its full potential.

Solving Problems Practically

Quest Deck

It seems obvious to me that the solution to many problems can easily be resolved. It makes sense to me to look at any project or problem by starting at the beginning, then shift to the middle and then look at the end. What really needs to be done is to prioritize and align these three phases to have a successful outcome.

Bringing Order

Quest Deck

It’s difficult for me to work when things are out of place. It’s important for me to have my environment in logical order. In any situation, I always look to see how I can eliminate the chaos and arrange things in an orderly fashion.

Being Seen as Responsible

Quest Deck

When working on a project, I like to make sure that everything gets done properly. I feel compelled to check not only my work but the work of others to be assured that things are completed properly. I feel that I’m the only one that really watches over things and the responsibility is left to me.

Seeing Possibilities

Quest Deck

Whenever I look at a project, or a problem, I immediately shift into seeing all the possibilities. I have a sense of how today’s work will impact future outcomes. I am spontaneous and clever in connecting people, places and things for harmonious solutions.

Exploring the Way

Quest Deck

I enjoy the challenge of finding a new path. When I look at problems, situations or people, I excel at finding new possibilities and solutions. I believe I was born to explore, break old paradigms and push beyond the boundaries of social expectation.

Being Independent

Quest Deck

First and foremost, I enjoy listening to my own drummer. Often I feel like I’m the outsider or I just don’t fit at gatherings or when working on a team. My joy comes from being unique, spontaneous and looking at things from a different perspective.

Being Seen as a Leader

Quest Deck

I naturally take the role of a strong independent leader in all situations. I am driven to excel and voice my opinions. I have an inner confidence that propels me to take charge of challenging situations. I am confident, independent and sure of myself as I follow my destiny.

King of Spades

Demo Cards

xpound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain,